


The buying phase of a real estate property varies based upon your location in the world. You can become acquainted with the regular process in Turkey by following our buyer’s guide so that your purchase will proceed smoothly.

  1. Prepare Your Budget

You need to prepare a sensible budget and open a bank account in a local bank.

  1. Location, location, location

You need to inform our agent about your preferences related to your lifestyle.

  1. Discover Your Property

You should be present at viewings to make sure that the property meets your main preferences.

  1. Getting Ready

Your agent will always be there to assist you in preparing the required records, papers, and other documents and to advise you about the most probable expenses of purchasing a real estate in Turkey.

  1. Feel Free to Offer!

You can propose a price for the property via your agent!

  1. Thumbs-Up!

Once your proposal is accepted, affix your signature to Memorandum of Understanding and pay the deposit. Please familiarize yourself with the payment details before you sign anything.

  1. We’ve Got Your Back!

Your designated agent will help you in every phase of the process thoroughly.

  1. Register

Your designated agent will assist you to perform the registry of the title deed with the Land Department and then, you are free to receive the door keys of your new property!

  1. Turkish Citizenship OR Residence Permit

This phase covers the process of application for Turkish Residence Permit OR Turkish Citizenship, depending on your preferences and situation – no worries, we’ve got your back!

Contact Us

For further information, please call us at +90 212 90 91 908 or simply fill up the form below and one of our expert buying agents will get back to you within 24 hours.