Property Selling Services

We are aware that when you decide to sell your property, it is not an experience that is only about mere agreements, down payments and percentages. We are enthusiastic about proving you with a proper experience because the whole process is significant and sentimental to us.

One of the qualities that set us apart from our competitors is that we work with two different teams of sales agents; the project management department who organizes advertising and selling of recently built apartment complexes and the second-hand housing sales department which conducts the selling of apartments that were owned and/or inhabited by others in the past.

Our diverse and energetic team will strive for ensuring that you will profit at a remarkable rate when you sell your property considering that they are extraordinarily qualified in transforming guidance into profits.

We compiled 5 reasons to advertise your real estate with us:

  1. Your time and trust are precious for us

We will deal with your property as if it was ours. As we value your property as much as you do, your time will not be wasted from the beginning when you engage us to sell your property.

  1. Real estate is our passion

Considering our years of presence and experience in the real estate sector in Turkey, we are confident about what we do. Our team of top real estate specialists are ready to outperform expectations about their knowledge and experience of the market.

  1. Our market range

We will advertise your property on our social media platforms and our website, which are visited by thousands of customers on daily bases; your property will be presented to our database of customers and possible investors, and various advertising plans will be followed to optimize the display of your property.

  1. Accessibility

Having a network of partner offices around Turkey and trustworthy Customer Care team, we are always accessible.

  1. Publicity

We have been honored by many awards and highly-positive customer reviews.